1st Artificial Heart Transplant Successful

For the first time ever, a transplant involving an artificial heart prosthetic has been carried out in the United States of America.
The implantable prosthetic – called “Aeson” – was developed by CARMAT, a French medtech company. It contains biological valves that come from bovine tissue, which helps pump blood through chambers of the heart. It operates using an external power supply.
The transplant took place earlier this month, and was carried out by surgeons at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina. The recipient was Matthew Moore, a 39-year-old man who was diagnosed with heart failure in June.
When Moore’s condition deteriorated, he participated in a trial study that saw him being fitted with CARMAT’s creation.
Speaking to a local media outlet, Dr Carmelo Milano remarked: “We are encouraged that our patient is doing so well after the procedure … As we evaluate [Aeson’s capabilities], we are both excited and hopeful that patients who otherwise have few to no options could have a lifeline.”
It’s expected to keep Moore healthy for three-to-four months before he receives a true heart transplant.
If approved by health authorities in the States and beyond, Aeson could offer much needed respite – and hope – for heart patients.
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