Ancient Pyramids Mystery Solved

Scientific researchers may have solved the 4 000-year-old mystery of how 31 pyramids, including the world-renowned Giza complex, were built in Egypt.
In a research paper published via a scientific journal on Thursday, 16 May, one of the study’s authors, Professor Eman Ghoneim, detailed their findings.
For many years, archeologists have suspected that ancient Egyptians made use of bygone waterways to transport the massive blocks of stone which made up the pyramids. However, they had been unable to prove this theory until now.
Using a combination of radar satellite imagery, geophysical data, and deep soil coring, the team were able to investigate the subsurface structure and sedimentology in the Nile Valley next to the field of pyramids, leading to the discovery of the ancient river.
“We suggest that The Ahramat Branch played a role in the monuments’ construction and that it was simultaneously active and used as a transportation waterway for workmen and building materials to the pyramids’ sites,” Ghoneim said in the opening extract.
They have named the waterway “Ahramat Branch”, which translates to “Pyramids Branch” in Arabic. After careful examination, the team deduced the river was roughly 64 km long and between 200-700m wide when it was flowing through the land.
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