October 20, 2023

Nearly 200 Women in STEMM Embark for Antarctica

One hundred and eighty-eight visionary women in different STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) fields from around the world will soon be embarking on collaborative expeditions to Antarctica.

The first voyage – named “The Ushuaia” after the city in Argentina the ship will depart from – sets sail on 3 November. The second voyage – which has been dubbed “The Island Sky” – will depart from Puerto Madryn, Argentina just over a week later, on 12 November.

The participants will come together from 22 different countries, including South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe, among others.

Homeward Bound, the organisation behind the initiative, is focussing on building a sustainable world, while also championing gender equality in STEMM, with the aim to empower 10 000 women by 2036. The expeditions are expected to host lectures, workshops and networking opportunities.

“The adventure these women are about to embark on will give them an unparalleled view of one of the most remote locations on the planet,” Homeward Bound’s CEO, Pamela Sutton-Legaud, said in a statement on the organisation’s official website.

“Antarctica not only provides early warnings of climate change – it also represents the fragility of our natural world, and why we need to protect it,” Sutton-Legaud added.

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