August 07, 2023

Senegalese Opposition Leader Admitted to Hospital

Ousmane Sonko, the main opposition leader of Senegal’s government, has been admitted to the Main Hospital in the capital of Dakar on Sunday, 6 August, due to an ongoing hunger strike.

Sonko – who is the founder of the now-dissolved party, Patriots of Senegal (PASTEF) – was arrested and imprisoned in late July on charges including calling for insurrection, conspiring against the state, threatening national security and more. The 49-year-old politician began his hunger strike shortly afterwards.

PASTEF, however, have made it clear that they suspect the authorities are responsible for Sonko’s hospitalisation, telling several publications on the same day that “prior to his imprisonment, he was in good health and had no known illnesses.”

Deadly protests erupted last Monday, 31 July, as Sonko’s supporters – who are predominantly comprised of the country’s youth – took a stand against his arrest. The government responded by restricting access to mobile Internet services and TikTok in an effort to prevent further protests from being organised.

Juan Branco, a French lawyer for Sonko, was also arrested on Sunday on charges of terrorism, conspiracy and disruption to public order, among other allegations. According to Branco’s lawyer, he’s currently being held in detention in Dakar as well.

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