South Africa: 100 Bikes Donated to Neighbourhood Watches

To help keep the communities of Cape Town’s Stellenbosch municipality safe, the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works has provided its neighbourhood watches with very useful equipment.
Working in conjunction with the South African Police Service and municipal enforcement, members of Stellenbosch’s neighbourhood watches go above and beyond to patrol their respective locales and tirelessly maintain safety protocols.
On Wednesday, 6 October, a handover ceremony was held, during which 100 bicycles and pieces of safety equipment were presented to the watch-leaders.
Additionally, fire suppression devices were also presented. These devices will allow watch-members to extinguish, control or prevent blazes should they be first on the scene where structural fires are occurring.
The equipment was made possible through the department’s Provincial Sustainable Transport Programme, which aims to develop sustainable transport systems.
Thanking the watches, Mayor Gesie van Deventer said: “The work that you do in patrolling our streets, acting as first responders, and supporting law enforcement with intelligence is invaluable. Thank you for your courage and your sacrifices … Thank you for your commitment to making our towns safer places for everyone. I salute you.”
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