#TikTokTuesday – 13 December

Tuesdays just got a whole lot more exciting! Take a look at the top TikTok videos that are trending in South Africa, Africa, and the rest of the world: South Africa: HAAAAAAA!
@polymathsa Hhaaaa!… Ayakhulumisa #theyellowhat #gqilazment #itspolymath #SpotifyWrapped #uhluphakamnandi #SAMA28 #khuphuka #hhaaaaaa #inamandlalento ♬ original sound – Sicelo Mabaso
That’s it. That’s the whole video. Only @polymathsa has the confidence (and time) to bring a whole Pick ‘n Pay to a standstill by screaming for no utter reason (except to make this clip, of course!). Africa: Fighting For The Bag
@emekaleonald I would have killed a lot #emekaleonald @playwills ♬ Cough sped up – Pelumi 🥷
Make no mistake: you interfere with @emekaleonald’s bag (and screen time), you’re getting into a fight, wedding dress, money under the wig and all! The World: When “Keanu Reeves” Gets a Girlfriend
@unreal_keanu Life with a girlfriend. #keanureeves #relationship #girlfriend ♬ original sound – Unreal Keanu Reeves
This is probably the closest we’ll ever see actor Keanu Reeves on TikTok, but hey, this deepfake is doing the job just right and doing him justice in the process. I mean, where else are we going to see Neo dipping like that when he’s got a lady in his life? Flawless. Image Credit: Source