Wednesday Gaming – Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, Post Malone, Lay-Offs and MORE!

Catch up on the latest news, rumours and announcements from the world of video games, tech and entertainment:
– “Mortal Kombat: Onslaught”, the newest RPG entry in the fighting game franchise, has been released. Rolled out on Tuesday, 17 October, it comes with four game modes: the PvP-oriented Arena, a Story Mode, Boss Towers, and the off-the-wall Chasm Mode.
– A fifth mode, titled “Khronicles”, will be added sometime in the near future, allowing players to unlock new characters during different events. The first wave of Khronicle content will see the release of the “Mortal Kombat 1” iteration of fan-favourite, Scorpion.
– Frontier Developments, the British video game company behind “Elite Dangerous” and “Planet Zoo”, have announced that they have laid off an unknown number of their employees due to a “disappointing financial performance.” They are also implementing a recruitment freeze in order to reduce costs.
– Following its own recent lay-offs and disappointing game sales, Harebrained Schemes – an American gaming subsidiary acquired by Paradox Interactive in 2018 – have mutually parted ways from the Sweden-based game publisher. It will become an independent studio again on 1 January 2024.
– Singer/rapper Post Malone cryptically tweeted out on Monday, 16 October: “Get ready for two weeks of beautiful mayhem #ApexLegends.” This suggests a content collaboration between him and “Apex Legends” developer, Respawn. This new content is expected to be released in November.
Check in again next week for the latest video game news – ’til then, keep up the button-mashing!
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