Wednesday Gaming – Rockstar Games Hacker, Atlus Lawsuit, and MORE!

Catch up on the latest news, rumours and announcements from the world of video games, tech and entertainment:
– A 17-year-old in Oxfordshire, England who was arrested last week for allegedly hacking Rockstar Games and leaking in-development footage of “Grand Theft Auto 6” has pleaded not guilty to the charge of computer misuse. However, he did plead guilty to violating bail conditions.
– Video game developer Atlus is suing two fan-hosted servers, kuiemu and COMP_Hack, that allows people to play a recreation of “Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine”, a defunct MMORPG. Atlus is demanding the servers to shut down and cough up $25 000 each.
– “Warhaven”, an upcoming 16v16 competitive combat game set in a medieval fantasy world, is holding an open beta on 12 October. It’s free to join on Steam, and it will include four maps and three game modes
– Cobalt-B is the latest character to be added to the gacha MMORPG, “Tower of Fantasy”. Her main weapons are Flaming Revolver, a fire-based shotgun, and energy grenades. She’ll be added to the game on 6 October.
Check in again next week for the latest video game news – ‘til then, keep up the button-mashing!
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