July 02, 2024

Young Thug Trial Paused Amid Judge Recusal Controversy

The trial of Young Thug and his Young Slime Life (YSL) associates, already the longest criminal trial in Georgia’s history, has been paused indefinitely due to allegations of judicial misconduct.

Defence attorney, Brian Steel, filed a motion for the recusal of Fulton County Superior Court Judge, Ural Glanville, on Monday, 1 July, citing a controversial ex-parte meeting with prosecutors and star witness, Kenneth Copeland.

Steel argued that this meeting demonstrated bias and compromised the fairness of the trial.

Glanville has halted the proceedings until another judge can review the recusal motion. He also announced plans to release a full transcript of the meeting with Copeland for transparency. The unexpected pause has left both sides uncertain about when the trial will resume.

The proceedings have faced numerous delays over its 18-month duration, including a prolonged jury selection process and various legal disputes.

Steel has also called for a mistrial, asserting that Young Thug cannot receive a fair trial under Glanville’s oversight. This high-profile case has attracted significant attention, with the judge’s decision to admit song lyrics as evidence further fuelling controversy.

As the case awaits the recusal decision, the prospect of a lengthy continuation looms, with no clear end in sight.

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