4 Tips for a Better First Date

First dates can be daunting. There’s so much pressure to be yourself and to make an amazing first impression, all while dealing with those butterflies in your stomach.
Here are eight tips to help you up your first date game, and get that coveted second date.
Know Why You’re Dating
Are you looking for something casual, or do you want a committed relationship? Spend some time thinking about this beforehand.
When you know what your end goal is, it’ll be easier to engage with your date appropriately.
Manage Your Expectations
While it’s perfectly normal to be excited about the prospects of a new match, don’t start picturing the wedding just yet.
You may realise during your date that the two of you just aren’t compatible, or are looking for different things.
Don’t Overshare
While it’s important to be yourself, you don’t want to tell your date too much. Stick to lighter, happier topics, and keep the skeletons in your closet for later dates.
Pay Attention
Unless you’re expecting an extremely urgent text or call – and you explain this to your date – don’t check your phone on a first date. You will seem rude and uninterested.