Bioblitz Unearths Scores of Undocumented Species

According to a report published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), “scores” of undescribed species have been discovered after a “bioblitz” in the Drakensberg mountains, Eastern Cape in South Africa.
While the week-long intense biological survey (also known as a “bioblitz”) was conducted by the South African National Parks, South African National Biodiversity Institute and WWF in February this year, the findings were only released this week – after careful study.
Reportedly up to “50 taxonomic experts, ecologists and key biodiversity practitioners” descended upon the north-eastern grasslands and mountainside in an effort to gain a better understanding of the local biodiversity.
The pundits were thrilled to find many undescribed species, as well as critters and plants which have not yet been fully identified. Included in the list of discoveries were spiders, ants, water beetles, hover-flies, and an assortment of reptiles and birds.
However, one of the most exciting discoveries is an undescribed orchid species found among the 521 plants observed.
Peter Hawkes, part of the Afribug team, has said that the findings will be a “substantial contribution to the knowledge of South African flora and fauna.”
The results will ultimately help create a long-term management plan for the ecology within the area.
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