Celeb Twitter Round-Up: 3 Times Fans Roasted Zalebs in 2024

If Mzansi Twitter were a season, then it would definitely NOT be winter because it has zero chill when it comes to their favourite (and least favourite) South African celebrities.
Tweeps often get heated when the likes of Kelly Khumalo and Cyan Boujee top the trending lists, so much so they won’t hesitate to roast the ever-living mickey out of them – to hilarious results!
That’s why we’re taking a look at the top three times fans roasted celebrities in 2024:
3. Thuli Phongolo (and Her Bread) Gets Grilled
Back in June, a video of DJ Maphorisa and his alleged girlfriend, “Generations” actress Thuli Phongolo, went viral:
In the clip, the on-off couple are seen sitting on the couch with food in hand, watching as two guys (presumably their pals) dance before them.
Folks were concerned about Phongolo’s appearance, with a few coming up with none-too-subtle claims about why she looked some type of way:
For others, they were more taken aback by the bread piled up on her plate, which for some is a really low level of struggling:
2. Boujee, BBLs and Bypasses
For some reason or another, there were a few folks who thought gastric sleeve bypasses and Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) were one and the same.
So, when influencer Cyan Boujee announced in May that she was heading to Turkey for a bypass to aid in her weight loss, tweeps mistakenly thought she was going there for her (allegedly) third BBL to pack some more volume on her booty.
Although other netizens corrected them, the ones who remained blissfully ignorant (or wanted to be trolls) still let loose their two cents’ worth:
1. Kelly Khumalo vs CemAir – You Can Guess Who Tweeps are Rooting For!
In August, a video of “Asine” hitmaker Kelly Khumalo kicking up a stink over missing her flight, no thanks to CemAir:
“This is what we need to deal with: s*** service from CemAir,” Khumalo is heard venting in the video. “We miss our flight; when we are there, it’s not on screens, [and] they don’t even bother to send SMSes so that we don’t get to miss our flight! This is what we are dealing with. South Africa must never ever support this s***** airline!”
Over on Twitter/X, though, a few people were not impressed by Khumalo’s “woe is me” attitude and offered their own opinions on the matter:
As for the rest of Twitter/X, folks are convinced that this was the singer’s karma for her alleged involvement in the ongoing Senzo Meyiwa murder trial.
(ICYDK, Meyiwa – Khumalo’s ex-boyfriend – was murdered at her Gauteng home in 2014. Since then, she has been hit with all sorts of allegations, from knowing and withholding the identity of the gunman who killed him, to being accused of pulling the trigger herself.)
As such, tweeps reckoned it was either the spirit of Meyiwa at work, or that CemAir also wants answers regarding his murder:
Who do YOU think won the battle here?
Judging from all the entries on this list, we reckon it’s Mzansi Twitter/X that remains undefeated for life!
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