June 26, 2024

Celeb Twitter Round-Up: Happy Birthday, Bonang Matheba!

A lot of people think that anyone who’s past the age of 30 is old, if not completely decrepit. Luckily, Bonang Matheba is out here proving that ageing can be a flipping beautiful thing!

The popular media personality and businesswoman celebrated her 37th birthday on Tuesday, 25 June. So, to commemorate the occasion, she teamed up with renowned photographer Eckollection for a birthday-themed photoshoot.

Matheba shared some shots from the shoot to Instagram, and she looks STUNNING:

Folks, if that’s what 37 looks like, then sign us up right NOW!

Over on Twitter/X, a lotta folks agreed as they sent in their birthday wishes to Queen B:

Of course, this brought a few miserable trolls out of the woodworks, who “lamented” that Matheba was still childless and single at her age:

Hey, it works for some dudes in their 60s and 70s who are living the high life without any kiddies to worry about!

Fortunately, some tweeps clapped back at the trolls:

Get ‘em, ladies!

Anyhoo, whether you love her or hate her, it’s nice to see Bonang Matheba thriving at her splendiferous age – here’s hoping she enjoyed her special day (and doubly hoping we can age just as gracefully as her!).

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