Makhadzi vs King Monada: The Battle of “Ghanama”

The feud between singers Makhadzi and King Monada has intensified following the release of not one, but TWO versions of their would-be collaboration, “Ghanama”.
Last week, the two singers locked horns over the ownership of the song, which also features Benza Prince – Makhadzi claimed she was responsible for its concept, while Monada said that the track was mainly produced by him.
Nevertheless, the former went ahead and released “Ghanama” on Thursday, 8 July – however, fans were displeased that Monada’s vocals were completely omitted from it.
One unimpressed Twitter user pretty much spoke for their peers when they wrote: “Reality check: Ghanama without King Monada isn’t a hit, stop misleading the masses. We are not stupid.”
In retaliation, Monada released his version of “Ghanama”: not only did he replace Makhadzi’s name with that of a songstress named Mukosi, but he also kept Makhadzi’s lyrics and vocals on the track!
Judging from tweeps’ reactions, his version is seemingly the better of the two. One user wrote: “The man manufactured his own Makhadzi and released the hottest version of the song. He is King! [sic]”
So who did it better? You decide!
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