Monday Motivation: 10 July

Got the Monday blues? Reclaim the day and set the tone for the entire week with these helpful, motivational tidbits:
“In every life we have some trouble / But when you worry, you make it double” – Bobby McFerrin”
Once again, “Monday Motivation” is taking inspiration from the world of music, and we’re starting off with this lyric from Bobby McFerrin’s positivity anthem, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”.
Life is full of pitfalls. Everyone, regardless of their circumstances or background, has problems or issues that they’re facing. When problems enter your life, don’t stress yourself out by worrying about them constantly, otherwise they’ll be blown out of proportion and make you feel even more stressed, if not stuck in a cycle of endless anxiety.
Instead, acknowledge that these problems are there and try to find solutions to them. It’s the only way you can move forward and – as good ol’ Bobby says – be happy.
“Don’t give up / You’ve got a reason to live / Can’t forget / You only get what you give” – New Radicals
These lyrics are taken from New Radicals’ 1998 hit song, “You Get What You Give”, which at its core teaches us many valuable lessons.
For starters, although there will be times that you want to quit, your reasons to move forward and keep living out the best days of your life are far greater, far more important, than those negative times. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry yourself with strength and determination.
And of course, never forget to treat others the way you want to be treated – by treating them with kindness, generosity and respect, you will receive these in turn. And these sure do make a great difference in boosting your outlook on life.
“To fulfil your life’s purpose / You’ve gotta answer when you’re called / So don’t be afraid to face the world / Against all odds” – Yolanda Adams
“Never Give Up” by Yolanda Adams is a soulful, inspirational ballad that has a powerful message at its core.
Essentially, this particular lyric teaches us that we all have a purpose (or calling) that we need to adhere to or to fulfil, whether it be for the betterment of yourself, or for the world around you, or for both!
Although there may be people out there who don’t believe in you, you should never give into fear or doubt. Take advantage of any and all opportunities that come your way, for these will allow you to grow and fulfil your aspirations in the long run.
“It’s a beautiful day / Don’t let it get away” – U2
Despite its pitfalls, life has its equal share of blessings. Its beauteous bounty is enough to relieve even the most distressed or hardened of hearts.
Though there may be days where there are setbacks, there are also days when you can celebrate. Don’t let negative situations hold you down when there are positives out there for you to enjoy.
So, put today behind you in preparation for tomorrow – after all, it may well be bigger, brighter and better.