Monday Motivation: 31 October

Got the Monday blues? Reclaim the day and set the tone for the entire week with these helpful, motivational tidbits:
“Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight / Make me a child again just for tonight!” – Elizabeth Chase Allen
Happy Halloween, folks! Tonight, children (and countless kids at heart) across the globe will take to the streets tonight for a spooooky night of tricks, treats and fun aplenty. But don’t let the scare factor scare you – in fact, with some sweets in hand, you can ponder over these helpful quotes, starting with Elizabeth Chase Allen.
We long for the days of our youth, carefree days each filled with the simplest pleasures and wonders. As adults, we’re told to let go of our childish fancies and be realistic about certain things.
Do not let anyone discourage you from staying a kid at heart. After all, it allows you to be adventurous, daring, optimistic and creative. These are characteristics that are not only encouraged in some workspaces (happy are the employers with employees who strive to have positive, adaptable attitudes), but they will also allow you to be happier and approach each day with a lighter, confident mindset.
Even if it’s just for one night, don’t be afraid to touch base with your inner child.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch” – Robert Breault
As you take your inner child by the hand, we also look for places where hope will welcome you with open arms. Although the world we live in can be cruel and dark at times, there are like-minded people out there who are warm, welcoming and inspiring.
Search for them, learn from them, and apply their lessons to your everyday life. If you can’t find them, then take it as an opportunity to light up your own porch and welcome the world in.
“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper” – Eden Phillpotts
Ever been trick-or-treating when you were younger? Ever been coaxed by your parents to approach a cool yet scary-looking Halloween display, and just when you think nothing happens, it comes to life and scares you? It’s one of those laugh-or-cry moments, but all in all, it makes you more aware when you see another display in the same street.
That’s how the world out there can be: it’s full of wondrous treasures and tantalising mysteries, some of which will test your strength, perseverance and faith. These may be fearsome at first, but it is with hope you will come away from these experiences of discoveries with a sense of fulfilment, personal development and wisdom.