Monday Motivation: 7 November

Got the Monday blues? Reclaim the day and set the tone for the entire week with these helpful, motivational tidbits:
“Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood” – Marie Curie, French physicist
7 November marks the birthday of three celebrated individuals, so this week’s edition of “Monday Motivation” is taking inspiration from them, starting with poignant quote from Polish-French physicist, Marie Curie, who became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for her pioneering work in the field of radioactivity and chemistry.
From Curie’s words, we learn that you should not let your fears of the unknown hold you back from exploring your real potential. Let go of those fears, so that you can be free to test your limits and become the best version of yourself.
Follow through with your plans – if the unexpected occurs, do not let it hinder you; rather, take it as it comes and continue striding forward!
“What do we look for as reward? Some little sounds, and scents, and scenes / A small hand darting strawberry-ward / A woman’s aprons full of greens. The sense that we have brought to birth / Out of the cold and heavy soil / The blessed fruits and flowers of earth / Is large reward for our toil” – Ruth Pitter, British poet
Often you will see farmers, gardeners and agriculturists toiling away to maintain their farmlands, gardens and/or acres, working long, hard hours and days on end to see beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables growing from the plants, vines and orchards. It may be a struggle at times, especially when there are factors like weather, climate and specific plantcare needs to be taken of, but ultimately the rewards of the earth are great and satisfying.
By adopting a similar mentality to your everyday life, by applying time and effort in all your endeavours (both big and small), and by taking whatever mistakes as they come and learning from them, you will reap the rewards and benefits of your labours – even the petals of a rose you’ve grown will seem to you as red gems do to fine jewellers.
“If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my team-mates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight” – Marcus Luttrell, American Navy SEAL (Ret.)
Life’s full of fight to be won, but don’t forget that there are others fighting alongside you, supporting you as you support them.
Even if there’s only one particle of strength left in your body, draw on it to finish off your duties and fulfil your goals; know also that you can draw strength from your friends, family and colleagues for an extra boost. Don’t count yourself out of the fight, because it’s not over yet and you have more to give than you realise.