March 11, 2025

#TikTokTuesday – 11 March

Tuesdays just got a whole lot more exciting! Take a look at the top TikTok videos that are trending in South Africa, Africa, and the rest of the world:

South Africa: (Not So) Smooth Move


I’ll never heal from this 😭💔

♬ original sound – ikaaaaa – ikaaaaa

Ouch! That was a slippery slide of note! Here’s hoping @sila.uncensored recovered well after this big spill.

Africa: The Elder Has Spoken


You just know she’s Nigerian😂 Vc: @nevergaveaviaruk #pulsenigeria #tiktoknigeria #PulseViral

♬ original sound – Pulse Nigeria

You best believe that this lady was NOT impressed with this little boy’s behaviour (or lack thereof), and she wasn’t shy about giving him more than a piece of her mind. We bet his mother was humbled when she heard that, too!

The World: A Squeaky Clean Dirty Trick


Soap prank with her

♬ original sound – Fans Of Andrey🌵

Some folks think there’s no difference between soap and the creamy fillings of Oreos, which played well in @andrygreachkafans’ favour when he carried out this particular prank on his S/O.

Let’s hope that she didn’t wash his mouth out with REAL soap as punishment!