Zambian Soldier Praised for Delivering Baby

A Zambian soldier has deservedly earned his stripes after going above and beyond his duty to aid a pregnant woman.
Per reports, it all started on a rainy 25 January when Lance Corporal Humphrey Mangisani was on patrol in a village in Petauke. On his way back to his military camp, a friend of his approached him for help regarding a local woman who had gone into labour.
“I organised a motorbike to help ferry the young lady to the hospital, and I was following behind with my motorbike,” explained Mangisani.
However, when it became clear that the woman was absolutely close to giving birth, Mangisani – who says he was trained to take risks – took matters into his own hands.
“I had to help her in a maize field while it rained,” he said. “I quickly found a razor blade and helped her to cut the umbilical cord.”
Mother and child soon made it to the hospital safely, and Mangisani was given the honour of naming the newborn boy Raymond Tembo. Upon finally returning to camp, the lance corporal was lauded for his heroic efforts and immediately promoted to full corporal.
According to Zambia’s health ministry, more than 100 babies nationwide die every week due to errors and omissions in delivery, as well as due to medical centres being located far away from rural areas and the lack of qualified health professionals.
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