Zimbabwean Authorities Deny Miniskirt Ban

Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), have dismissed allegations of an upcoming ban on women and girls wearing certain garments in public.
Recent reports suggested that legislation was being pushed to publically ban women – aged 16 and above – from wearing mini-skirts and trousers.
The claims were rubbished as a “false story” by ZANU-PF spokesperson, Simon Khayo Moyo.
In a statement released on Sunday, 18 July, Moyo said: “ZANU-PF distances itself from circulating fake news saying the Party is lobbying for the disbandment of mini-skirts and trousers for women.”
The party then placed the blame on an unnamed non-government organisation supposedly aligned with the official opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change, for circulating the fake news.
As per the statement, the Women’s League of the ruling party had made “significant strides” for the rights of women in post-colonial Zimbabwe via empowerment programmes.
Moyo further added: “It is therefore ridiculous that a giant mass party formed and existing on the shoulders of an empowered Women’s League can be attributed such trivia on dressing.”
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