December 17, 2021

Zimbabwean Youth Provides Free Online Coding Classes

Eric Khumalo grew up not having many options available to him, much like many other young Zimbabweans, but luck blessed him with a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The 21-year-old curious youngster graduated from high school in 2018 and taught at three different schools in the Bulawayo area while awaiting news of his application; 18 months later he was accepted into the University of Berkeley, California on a scholarship from the Mastercard Foundation.

His interest in computer science and technology and a chance encounter with a teacher who saw his potential eventually resulted in “Emzini weCode” – meaning “The House of Code” in his native language Shona – a free online coding course.

Khumalo understands the power of knowledge and giving back to his community, so he has kept the classes free – or minimal by covering the cost of data to stream educators from US varsities – in order to reach as many hungry minds as possible.

He has every reason to be proud as Emzini weCode has grown: reaching over 1000 learners and the curriculum has allowed his pupils to move onto other schools and careers.

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