January 07, 2025

4 Records Held by Films

Cinema is only limited by the human imagination, and this aspect makes it significant whenever a film wins an award (or record, for that matter). Movies can pick up awards for superb, emotionally-stirring writing, jaw-dropping cinematography, or for simply having an expensive prop that sometimes outshines the film it is in.

Here are four records held by films:

Most Expensive Costume Sold at Auction – Marilyn Monroe’s Dress From “The Seven Year Itch”

The white dress that original blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe wore during the iconic windy subway grating scene went on sale, along with the rest of actress Debbie Reynolds’ personal Hollywood memorabilia collection, on 24 May 2011. The dress was reportedly sold to an unknown buyer for $4.6 million.

Largest Stunt Explosion – “Spectre”

And the award for largest stunt explosion in film goes to… nothing directed by Michael Bay, but to the 2015 spy film, “Spectre”. The 24th James Bond film inadvertently picked up a Guinness World Record for an explosion filmed on 28 June 2015 in Erfoud, Morocco. The explosion was the result of twenty-four detonators coupled with 8 418 litres of kerosene and 33 kgs of powder explosives, which created a huge boom that lasted 7.5 seconds.

Most Directors of a Film – “The Owner”

A story about a backpack, tripping around the world and eventually finding its way back to its owner is the plot for the 2012 film, “The Owner”. What made it so outstanding was the fact that the project had 25 directors. Each brief segment was independently written and directed, which made the film a rich and diverse experience as it explored five continents and a multitude of cultures and film styles.

Most Expensive Prop From a Film – The Spanish Galleon from “Pirates”

There are directors who go out of their way to provide an authentic experience when it comes to creating a story, and Roman Polanski spared no expense when it came to his 1986 adventure comedy, “Pirates”. He had a team put together a full-scale replica of a Spanish galleon, which reportedly had a price-tag of $10 271 100. If you think that’s eye-watering, the film was a box office bomb and barely earned $6 million against its $40 million budget. Not to mention it received mostly negative reviews. Ouch!