5 Best Workout Tips You Need to Know

Upping your fitness regime is one thing; getting off the couch to do so is another.
Exercising is the greatest way to stay fit and healthy. However, it’s not easy to stick to an workout regimen if both your energy and enthusiasm levels are incredibly low. Luckily, we’ve rounded up the best tips and tricks to help you kick your fitness routine into high gear!
Here are five exercise tips to bear in mind on your fitness journey:
Chart Your Progress
Charting your progress with photos or statistics can be a great way to motivate yourself to push through those hard days at the gym. When you see how much you improve over time, you’ll want to stay in great shape.
Keep it Short and Sweet
Start off easy with 10 to 15 minute workout sessions, and slowly build your up to 30 minutes in order to get the best results.
Get Your Friends To Join In
Exercising doesn’t have to be a chore, nor does it have to be done alone. Round up your best mates to go on a group hike, or take your dog with you for a jog around the block.
Exercise Throughout the Day
If you can’t make it to the gym, simple exercises like climbing the stairs or taking a walk during your lunch-break can get your heart-rate up in no time.
Remember to Take a Break
Don’t forget to take rest day, as you need to give your muscles enough time to recover and keep you going.