Celeb Twitter Round-Up: Tweeps Mock Shauwn Mkhize’s BETs Snub

Businesswoman Shauwn Mkhize flew the South African flag high at the recent 2022 Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards, but instead of making her countrymen proud, she had them in stitches.
So here’s what went down on Sunday, 26 June: Mam’Mkhize walked the red carpet looking like this:

But as she was posing (while dressed in a dripping, silver-and-black ensemble with a snatched-up bun), this happened:

As you can see, the photographers’ attention (and cameras) were seemingly away from her. Or, as entertainment blogger Musa Khawula “elegantly” put it:

Of course, most of Mzansi Twitter were cracking up at Mam’Khize’s expense:

One tweep reckoned that the 47-year-old businesswoman’s reach isn’t as broad she thinks it is, and that this experience at the BETs should humble her:

@TriciaVanKlein tried to defend her, but @Lazula_lizula had a spicy comeback:

So did @Rebel_YSL for @Anza_Musandiwa:

Some tweeps reckon that when it comes to lack of attention, it’s a “curse” that Mkhize and her (equally controversial) son, Andile Mpisane, both share:

Still, there were some fans who rallied behind Mam’Khize for all they were worth:

@joearrangement seems like he wants you to mark his words:

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