Monday Motivation: 15 May

Got the Monday blues? Reclaim the day and set the tone for the entire week with these helpful, motivational tidbits:
“It’s possible to light another man’s candle without damaging your own” – Danish proverb
Where there is darkness, there is also light. Hence, today’s “Monday Motivation” is taking its cue from some very “illuminating” proverbs.
At the fear of our success being overshadowed, sometimes we are reluctant to lend a helping hand to others who are genuinely in need of one. Similarly, we ourselves may be loathe to ask for help, as we’re often taught to think that you need to make it on your own in order to be successful.
Nevertheless, as the old adage goes, you only get what you give – in order to succeed in life and become a better person (in both a professional and personal capacity), you need to learn how to accept help from people and be able to extend the same gesture.
After all, you’ve got nothing to lose, and only respect (and subsequent success) to gain.
“It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” – Chinese proverb
Sometimes venting about the problems we have to endure is a good outlet for releasing tension and stress, but that’s only half of the solution – in order for these problems to be fully rectified, you need to take constructive action.
Whether it’s a work-related problem or a personal issue, you need to take active steps in addressing them so that it no longer obstructs your path to progress. Even if they’re small steps, at least they’re steps in the right direction.
Even the littlest light can provide illumination in our moments of darkness.
“Acquaintance without patience is like a candle with no light” – Iranian proverb
Communication is key. It’s an important skill that forms part of our daily lives. However, it requires patience, open-mindedness, and understanding so that whatever we talk about with our colleagues, friends and family doesn’t get lost in translation.
Be mindful of how you communicate with other people: be patient when you listen; be open-minded as you exchange thoughts and ideas; and be understanding of situations and circumstances that may differ from yours.
Never let your light go out, but also be mindful of extending the same courtesy to others.