Neighbour Asks “Take My Trash Bin Out”, Hilarity Ensues

An innocent request turned into so much more when a resident from Queensland, Australia, asked his neighbour to take his wheeled garbage bin out to the curb.
In the small north-eastern sea-side town of Mackay, Nick Doherty politely texted Carl Stanojevic next-door “would you be able to take my bins out please,” one fine day in mid-December.
The 54-year-old photographer dryly responded with: “Yeah sure no problem any particular place [sic].”
The following morning, Stanojevic did what any thoughtful neighbour would do and took a lucky bin to several places: the local surf club, three different drive-throughs, and a phone booth, to name a few. It also got to meet a couple of cleaners, a garbage truck driver and a lifeguard.
All this while, the ‘tour guide’ was snapping photos of the number six bin on its big day out. After five hours, Stanojevic and number six stopped at a tattoo parlour, then headed to the nearby pub for a cold one before returning home.
Once home, he informed Doherty that he had fulfilled his duty of taking the bin “out”, and handed over the photo album to his amused neighbour.
The favour/joke put a broad smile on everyone’s faces and soon the news spread.
Speaking to an Australian news outlet, Doherty spoke highly of his fellow man: “We catch up for a beer when we can and have a chat and a few laughs. He’s a beautiful person. You’d do anything for him.”
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