Wednesday Gaming – Microsoft/Open AI, Street Fighter 6, Halo and MORE!

Catch up on the latest news, rumours and announcements from the world of video games, tech and entertainment:
– Microsoft has hired Sam Altman, the co-creator and recently ousted CEO of OpenAI, to lead its “new advanced AI research team”, all the while remaining “committed to our partnership with OpenAI”, in which Microsoft has staked a multi-billion dollar investment.
– On a related note, a majority of OpenAI employees are threatening to walk out of the company and join Microsoft if their executive board doesn’t reinstate Altmann, who was ousted from his position as CEO after the board claimed that it “no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading.”
– According to Capcom, a third set of alternate skins for all 18 base characters from “Street Fighter 6” will be made available to download on 1 December 2023.
– Per an employee profile on LinkedIn, 343 Industries – the developers behind “Halo Infinity”, which has seen a decline in player retention – is working on an unnamed internal project. As a result, fans are divided on whether this project is related to “Halo” or if it’s something completely different.
– New purchasable DLC for “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, which will include two new characters named Nancy and Danny, as well as a new map titled “Nancy’s House”, will be made available for download next Tuesday, 28 November.
Check in again next week for the latest video game news – ’til then, keep up the button-mashing!
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